Newt Gingrich 2012: Why It is Time

It is time, about time, perhaps past time to support Newt Gingrich for the GOP nomination. Compared to his often uneven, confused, and sometimes duplicitous rivals, Newt Gingrich soars by comparison. For those who value the 2nd Amendment, it was Newt Gingrich who bothered to attend the NRA Convention this year. Rather than just sending along a generic videotape, Newt Gingrich explained the meaning and importance of the 2nd Amendment itself.

It takes a thick skin to endure the grueling primary process. In a time when folks look for intelligence, reasoned responses, and clear thinking, Newt Gingrich has vibrantly displayed that in every debate. While others cram to try get a grasp of the issues, Newt already knows them. While others form their views based on polls, Newt has already thought them through.

Negative campaigning is to be expected, because it works. When Mitt Romney recently described Newt Gingrich as a “very wealthy man,” it was the definition of hypocrisy. Mitt Romney, darling of Wall Street and Super-PACs, is worth somewhere in the neighborhood of a quarter of one billion dollars. By comparison, Newt Gingrich is a pauper. Oddly, Mitt Romney has broken with the tradition of transparency, very recently stating he will not release his tax returns as candidate for President. A sad commentary on a new desire to remain secret from Mr. Romney.


Above, new Romney supporter John McCain approves "The Tale of Two Mitts."

Leadership ability is acquired over time. No longer a young man, Newt Gingrich knows how it all works, and has made it work. A wise man can change his mind, a fool never does. Newt Gingrich is superbly and uniquely qualified for the office of the presidency. A wizened veteran of the political process, he needs no on the job training. His understanding and grasp of history is a great asset, for those that ignore history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

An aide to Newt Gingrich’s Republican presidential campaign in Iowa was quickly dismissed after he called Mormonism a “cult” during a voter focus group. Contrast this with Wall-Street Mitt, while happy to enjoy the attack ads against Newt funded by “Restore Our Future,” hitting $3.1 million so far, babbles that super-PACs are a disaster. This while speaking at their fund-raiser and still failing to publicly contradict them.

Mitt Romney also has crossed the line into lying. Mitten's first TV ad, run in New Hampshire, displays this. The ad shows President Obama saying, "If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose." What the ad doesn't say is that this was from 2008 -- and that Obama was quoting an aide to John McCain at the time. The full Obama quote: "Senator McCain's campaign actually said, and I quote, 'if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose.'" Lying is one of the most heinous human maladies. Governor Romney apparently does not have the fundamental decency or wherewithal to avoid it. Sadly, his flipping and flopping is no myth, it is all too true. Romney is the fellow who wanted to be "more pro-gay than Ted Kennedy." There is a problem, in my view, when you have to take a poll to figure out what you think. Sticking your finger in the wind before you can answer fundamental questions is not my version of leadership. It is pandering, saying whatever you think needs to be said in order to get support.

What about lobbying? "Gingrich made a decision after resigning (from the House) that he would never be lobbyist so that nobody would ever question the genuine nature of his advice and perspectives," the Gingrich campaign website says, adding that Freddie Mac was one of many Gingrich Group clients, and that its fees were comparable to that of many consulting firms. Freddie Mac has backed Gingrich's assertion, telling CNN last month that he was a consultant, and NOT a lobbyist. Not good enough for Mitt or Michele, both of home can't get their facts straight or just lie to make themselves look better. Mittens claims to be in the “private sector,” though what he has been doing for the last five years or so is campaigning for president. Michele Bachmann claims not to be a politician. She doesn't seem to understand where she works.

Newt Gingrich is the only candidate with the breadth of intellect, full grasp of the issues, and the personal resilience to be a strong leader on the world stage, a vibrant advocate for the United States. I don't think we can stand another cycle of indecisiveness, ineptitude, and continuing puzzlement about how the world works.

Newt outlines his priorities and articulates them clearly. They are listed on his website: “Jobs and the Economy, Tell the Truth about National Security, An American Energy Plan, Healthcare, A 21st Century Learning System, Immigration Protecting Life and Religious Liberty, Defending Second Amendment Rights.” More info is at .

The best test, the only interview process the American voter has is the debates. That's when the candidates reveal their grasp of the issues, their ability to convey their thoughts, their commuication skills when standing next to one another. Newt Gingrich has dwarfed the field in the debates. It is obvious Newt Gingrich is a man of experience, thoughtfulness, and great capability.

Newt Gingrich has the tools, the knowledge, the intellect, and the resilience to turn the boat around. Newt Gingrich has the qualifications, experience, and skills needed to get the job done, far exceeding any other candidate running for President today. If just money buys the office of President, we can expect more of the same. Hopefully, we have the collective ability to look deeper than that and if we do: Newt Gingrich is the obvious choice.

Copyright 2011 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.


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